Small Changes
Small Changes
This information comes from Atomic Habits by James Clear with my thoughts added.
“We often dismiss small changes because they don’t seem to matter very much in the moment.”
This seems to be common with many disciplines, eating healthy, saving money, etc. When we are trying to save money for a big goal like a down payment on a house or if we are trying to get rid of credit card or student loan debt, we can fall into this trap. Let’s say you have $50 left at the end of the month, it’s easy to just want to spend it since it doesn’t seem like it would make a difference in saving for a big goal or paying off a large debt. But, if you consistently put your leftover money (even smaller amounts) towards your goal, you will reach your goal quicker. The little things really do add up. When you are trying to eat healthier, passing up a piece of cake doesn’t feel good in the moment. But, if you consistently choose healthier foods and say no to the unhealthy foods, you will improve your overall health and likely be happier in the long run.
Another way to look at this is to consider how each small positive action affects your future self. Say no to another helping of fried chicken because you want your future self to be healthy enough to live a long life. Say yes to a run when you don’t feel like it, so someday you will be ready for a marathon. Having a longer range perspective in the little things can be very motivating.
Do you have a goal where this strategy could be helpful?